Hi! My name is Rena Gore!!

Hi! My name is Rena Gore!! And as the blog would suggest I work in residence life!! For those of you not familiar with res life, as I lik...

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Reslife in Summer

In Summer,

The school year is done and the question on people's mind is what does a RCD once the residents go?

A lot, my friends, a lot. 

For starters, though the students are summer vacation, we still live on the college campus...this is our permanent home while working at the university.

And for many this role is a 12-month position meaning that you are expected to work in the midst of the breaks. 

So here are a few things that you  may find someone with a live-in position might be doing in summer:
Working Summer School Housing 
Working with summer conferences - during the breaks of a school year many schools because conference sites for kids camps to adult groups for various reasons
Planning Training for the start of the school year 
Going through Training 
Preparing for the School Year
Meeting students during their summer orientation
And on occasion, taking a vacation or two before the school year starts.

In writing this post, this song from Disney's Frozen kept playing in my mind. 

Enjoy and until next time, I'm Rena in Reslife (in Summer).

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Recap of the Past 3 Years

Hello Reslife friends and readers,

Just a quick recap or update as I haven't published a post in 3 years to this site!

July 2015 - June 2016

This was my last year at NAU as an RHD...I felt a very strong spiritual pull and calling to go to Dallas, TX and put in my resignation with NAU around November/December 2015 for the end of the 15-16 Academic year with no job or home in site...the craziest thing I've ever done!

A lot of things happened in the midst of this time: bonds with peers, new side hustles and business ventures, resparks of old working teams, a friend's wedding, roller coaster of emotions, staff changes, career change thoughts, and just life overall.

By the end of April 2016 I was blessed to have a job offer with a home included at my now current role in Dallas, TX.

July 2016 - June 2017

I moved to Dallas, TX and started my new residence life role as a Residential Community Director (RCD) at Southern Methodist University (SMU). In this new role, I oversee 3 buildings that collectively form one of our commons on campus. I work with a live in faculty member, supervise 11 RAs, and a grad student!
It is a role that is both similar and very different to my positions in the past. 
It definitely comes with its challenges but it was an exciting first year!

In the midst of this year, life also happened including getting baptized as an adult, fostered a dog, reconnecting with old friends, establishing and connecting to my Dallas family, dating, and more.

Also, my original supervisor received a promotion/job change in the company and I took a chance to go for the position! It was a blessing to given a first and second round interview, but ultimately I did not get the job so I am still an RCD. I quite enjoy my new boss lady and I am grateful for the experience however it did leave me wondering what's next?

July 2017 - December 2017

It's year 2 at SMU and it has been a bit of a weird year. 
I found myself comfortable in the sense that I know more in Year 2 than I did in Year 1 in regards to my role. Yet I was also quite frustrated in things that I seemingly have no control over that seemed to completely derail me.  Also, that what's next question looming over me in my career and life left me not being...well me (Rice-Lovin' Rena).  

In my role with work, things were moving full speed ahead and nonstop. My community was actually stronger, though I felt disconnected. My to dos were getting done, however the to do list was/still is never completed - something new is always being added. The work/life balance or separation wasn't present and I was contemplating the purpose and value behind my to-dos.

At the same time, life was also happening: authentic personal relationships with colleagues were being formed and crafted, dating led to a relationship with a great guy which turned into a long distance relationship (all of which is quite new), family came to visit, fostered another dog (while realizing dog owner may not be in the cards for me at the moment), got sick for a few months, and kind of had my energy zapped and fell into a negative space (it was the worst)

January 2018 - Now

Towards the end of 2017, post Thanksgiving I started to make some real strides to heal and work on me. I got back into church and strengthening my spiritual connections, I saw someone to process the negative space I was in and the frustrations I was having. Moving in this new year, trying to do things and associate with people that build me up and not tear me down.

This past week I had the great pleasure to attend two conferences: NYU Student Affairs Conference and the SWACUHO Annual Conference in San Marcos, TX. I've always stated that work conferences to me or the equivalent of church revivals but for my profession so a work revival if you will. 
Coming back from the both of them I can assure you that is exactly what they did!!! I am reconnecting with my purpose and why and I can see the dream ahead.
Not only did I get the chance to be reenergized in my work, during this time of travel I had an opportunity to connect with family and close friends fueling the other part of my soul!


Until Next Time, I am Rena in Reslife!