Hi! My name is Rena Gore!!

Hi! My name is Rena Gore!! And as the blog would suggest I work in residence life!! For those of you not familiar with res life, as I lik...

Thursday, June 13, 2013

The Student has become the Master!

This post comes a few weeks late but I have officially graduated. That is right... I now have a Master of Education degree in College Student Affairs. It is crazy...and I will also be starting my very first full-time job in the field/ever as a full-time Residence Hall Director at Northern Arizona University in a few short weeks!! That's right this girl from the East Coast is moving way west to Flagstaff, AZ!! I am so excited and even though legally I have been an adult for years...I am about to take my first real steps as an adult and out of school!!

I know this post was intended to be a documentary of my life in grad school and now that grad school is completed...this might be the end of our journey. In other words I am not sure there will be another post on this blog.

Until next time feel free to stay up to date with me on ciggychat.blogspot.com!!

Much Love,

Sunday, April 7, 2013


This past week, my cohort members and I presented our culminating presentations for our grad program. Even though we are still taking electives that presentation signified us completing our work in the grad program. Even though the presentation day has came and passed...I am still processing the fact that this graduate journey is almost to an end. Immediately after our presentations a couple of classmates and I went and bought our graduation robes which furthered the realization of this moment.

Still in shock but needed to comment,

Rena Tilisa Gore

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!

It is day 15 of this new year but since this is the first time I am writing in 2013 that statement still rings true!

One of the best times about a new year is that it is almost a new start a chance to redo or try something new, reflect on the past and explore where you want to go.

That makes this time of the year quite perfect in working on my culminating project for graduate school. At Rutgers in the College Student Affairs program our  big culminating project includes a 25 page learning narrative. The learning narrative essentially is a reflection of all my learning thus far in this two year grad program.

Currently I am reflecting on the past two years and it has been challenging, emotional, annd fun all at the same time and I think this is leading me toward a great start of 2013 and hopefully a more challenging, emotional, and fun experience after I graduate!

I have around 127 days or so till I graduate (another cohort member is keeping count) so I have much more learning to do and experiences to embark on but I am excited for this final chapter of grad school and  cannot wait to tell you all about them.

Till next time I'm Rena!