Hi! My name is Rena Gore!!

Hi! My name is Rena Gore!! And as the blog would suggest I work in residence life!! For those of you not familiar with res life, as I lik...

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Post-Thanksgiving Break

Hello there, originally this was going to be a blog about my life in reslife which is extremely glamorous but that is not all that is going on in my life....I am a graduate student and to tell the truth that encompasses or dictates my life as a reslife person at least for the next two years.

Anyway I haven't written since who knows when so I thought I catch you, the reader(s) (if I have any lol), up. I just had my thanksgiving break, yes even grad students get to take a break from school. During thanksgiving break we closed my residence hall as well so today residents will be coming back to the building.
And now that the break is over serious crunch time as far as school work really begins..
I have a great deal of big projects/papers/and finals due over the next four weeks...literally something every week and I barely made a dent in these things so I must get to work!!!

Just wanted to keep you posted but much peace and love till next time!

Always your writer,